Veolia Performance Trofee 2018: zes winnende studenten

De presentatieceremonie van de Veolia Performance Trofee 2018 vond vanochtend plaats in aanwezigheid van Antoine Frérot. De 6 winnaars gaan naar Boston om lokale teams te ontmoeten en de faciliteiten van de groep te ontdekken. Voor deze 20ste editie werden 54 van de 230 kandidaten (vorig jaar dubbel) geselecteerd uit 40 scholen - 23 in Frankrijk en 17 wereldwijd.


De projecten die in aanmerking komen voor de wedstrijd worden uitgevoerd door één of meer master 2 (5 jaar hoger onderwijs) studenten in hun laatste jaar. Het werk dat aan de jury wordt voorgelegd, wordt beoordeeld op basis van de volgende criteria:

  • de mogelijkheid om de voorgestelde oplossingen in te zetten;
  • ​het innovatieve karakter;
  • ​de kwaliteit van de presentatie aan de jury;
  • ​de ingediende documenten;
  • ​de kennis en redenering die wordt toegepast;
  • ​de link tussen het onderwerp en de activiteiten van Veolia.

​De projecten vallen uiteen in 3 categorieën: "Prestaties", "Industrieën" en "Steden".
Lees hier meer over de winnende studenten en hun projecten. 

De zes winnende projecten in 2018 (Engels):


Funda Kisacik - Student in statistics and data science at the Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris (ISUP), Sorbonne Université in Paris, France

Performance / Internal category (work-study contract with Veolia's Research and Innovation Department in Maisons-Laffitte).

Subject: Development of a data automation platform to limit the laboratory tests needed to adjust a model. This study provides faster methods for collecting new information and improving model accuracy.

Yaxian Chen - Master 2 in data science and smart systems at AgroParisTech and the Université Paris-Dauphine, France

Performance / jury prize category.

Subject: Calibration of a simulation model to predict calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations in soils. The Smart Agri project offers a tool (SoilAdvisor) for the optimal use of biological products and composts that improve soil condition and reduce costs, with 44 scenarios for 6 types of crops.

Antoine Grenet - Master at École Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle (ENSCI) in Limoges, France

- Industries / Internal category (colleague in the Veolia Research and Innovation department in Limay).

Subject: Alternative biomass ash recovery solution: the "ash transformed into materials" project explores profitable development in insulation products, filtration, or geo-cement in accordance with French regulatory requirements.

Arnaud Jéglot - Master in Environmental Engineering at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Ecole Centrale de Lille

Industries / External category.

Subject: Optimization of biogas production through bioaugmentation. Biogas production substrates create ammonia concentrations that partially inhibit anaerobic digestion processes. Ammonia tolerant methanogenic cultures make it possible to optimize biogas production. This bioaugmentation could be implemented in large-scale biogas reactors.

Mouhamadou Seck - Master 2 in advanced systems and robotics at the Sorbonne Université in Paris, France

Cities / internal category (colleague in the Veolia Research and Innovation department in Maisons-Laffitte).

Subject: Increasing the autonomy of a pipeline inspection robot: the use of machine learning in image processing and fault detection make this robot autonomous. Televised sewage pipe inspection improves productivity and service quality and reduces maintenance costs.

Tarik Alboustani - Master of Science (MSc) Architectural and Urbanism at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands

Cities / External category.

Subject: Mobile plant unit for urban agriculture: design of a mobile production unit with a hybrid lighting system. The proposed facilities form "airtight" production units for intensive hydroponic crops. To provide the plant with the light needed for photosynthesis, the unit uses a hybrid energy-saving lighting system that combines natural and artificial light. This project combines architectural, agricultural and environmental studies.





